
“God Alone”

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Upcoming events

13 July

Meeting Int. Lab.Non Formal Educational Domain – online

18 July – 25 July

Charism School – online

August 4 – August 19

Chad, Ndjamena, Formation meetings

August 24

In 1826 Saint Jeanne Antide dies in Naples

August 25

The Junior Sisters renew their Vows


The Congregation

Daily life and extraordinary events in the communities

As Sisters of Charity, we participate in the journey of life with evangelical intentionality, concreteness, courage, to contribute to the maturing of a “new” history, fraternal, sober, in solidarity, attentive to the cry of the poor and of our Mother Earth. The charism of St Joan Antida is at the heart of our mission.

Existential peripheries

Towards the peripheries of existence, place of our charism

The “existential and human peripheries”, as well as geographical, as places of life and mission of the Church indicated by Pope Francis, also provoke us, Sisters of Charity, daughters of Jeanne Antide Thouret: “God is everywhere, our neighbor is everywhere. This is enough for us”.

Youth on the road

Accompanying young people in the complexity of their worlds

As Sisters of Charity of Saint Jeanne Antide Thouret, we believe that to listen to the signs of the times is also to listen to the young. We recognize in young people not only the recipients of educational and evangelizing action, but also our very young companions on the paths of mission.

Integral ecology

Listening and responding to the cry of the earth and f the poor

In response to the call in Laudato Si’, with General Chapter 2021, we chose to commit ourselves “to the path of renewal, to develop a loving consciousness of the common home and occupy our rightful place in the order and dynamism that our Creator has ordained” Pope Francis.

Educational activities

The resource of the charism for a global education

In schools, in informal spaces of sociability, in Christian formation environments, the educational passion of Jeanne Antide animates us to care for the growth of the new generations in the different dimensions of the human. Starting from the peripheries, in particular with young women.

AJA Movement

Life in the Local Groups of the Friends of Jeanne Antide

Men and women of all ages and cultures, from different countries of the world, tell what it means to live the Gospel of Charity in their daily lives, according to the spirituality of Saint Jeanne Antide. To be an evangelical leaven in society, in the family, in the workplace, in caring for new poverty.

The Sisters of Charity around the world


26 giugno 2019 – Al via le Giornate internazionali dell’editoria cattolica. Numerosi rappresentanti dell’editoria cattolica provenienti da tutto il mondo convergeranno a Roma per discutere delle sfide…

26 giugno 2019 – Al via le Giornate internazionali dell’editoria cattolica. Numerosi rappresentanti dell’editoria cattolica provenienti da tutto il mondo convergeranno a Roma per discutere delle sfide…

26 giugno 2019 – Al via le Giornate internazionali dell’editoria cattolica. Numerosi rappresentanti dell’editoria cattolica provenienti da tutto il mondo convergeranno a Roma per discutere delle sfide…

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