We are happy and proud of our beloved elderly sisters who are the VOICE OF THE LORD who served nearly 20 years in India. Every single sister has lot of rich experience to share about them.
Their life was a ROLE MODEL, who deeply rooted in CHRIST ALONE. Their missionary passion with insight and enthusiasm attracted all of us. We were lucky to have such deep formation from our beloved sisters who wants us to keep our charisma always ALIVE. Their tender love, care concern and forgiveness are remarkable in our life. The flame of charity they could spread it in various parts of India only because of their hard work, and a sense of commitment by trusting in God alone. All of us received their individual attention, and treated every one with sufficient care respecting our uniqueness. Their simple way of witnessing Jesus through sincere love and compassion towards poor made others to experience Christ. We are sure that they are the back bone of our congregation who are giving a great support and strength through their prayers and sacrifices even in the midst of their suffering. We believe that their sacrifices will give always new birth to our congregation. We hope that their dreams will be fulfilled by joining so many young ones to continue our charisma with a burning heart for GOD ALONE.

A word about our grandparents; They were the precious pearl in our life.
About Images: A burning heart for Christ and his people which is rooted in the Word of God.