Olivier and Madame Xavière’s wedding celebration on December 23 2022, and Christmas celebration

Olivier is the spiritual son and fruit of the pastoral work of Sister Salvina Grech, a Maltese national, Sister of Charity (longtime missionary in Central Africa).

Olivier was born in Ngajay/Bedanan, in the Middle Chari region of southern Chad. Generally in our villages, young people face several obstacles, such as lack of facilities, material and financial means…

Olivier, in facing these obstacles, did not give up and did not let himself be discouraged, and was able to count on the help of his parents to continue his studies.

In September 1995, he entered sixth grade at Charles Lwanga College LCCL (Jesuit College) in Sarh and first met Sister Salvina Grech as an English teacher. However, in seventh grade the young man experienced financial hardship, which was problematic for the continuation of his studies. Olivier turned to Sister Salvina Gech, who took action by requesting a college place for him until he graduated from high school.

Olivier, after graduating from high school, was admitted to the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCACE) in Yaoundé, Cameroon, with the promise of a scholarship from the European Union. Unfortunately, his name was not selected.

He informed Sister Salvina and she replied, “You don’t have to go back” and granted him a three-year scholarship for his studies at UCACE.

The celebration of marriage

So when Olivier wanted to celebrate his marriage to express his gratitude to the Sisters of Charity, he chose to do so in the chapel of the provincial house on December 23, 2022.

This wedding was celebrated in a special condition because of the floods the country is experiencing and in the very neighborhood where the provincial house is located (Walia). Because of the cataclysm, most of the population has been forced to return to the south of the capital to seek non-flooded spaces (the edges of the asphalt or uninhabited spaces) to build tents to use as shelter. These people, abandoning themselves to hunger, insecurity and coldness, cannot savor the happiness of Christmas as they once did.

In short, this event is a living testimony of the Sisters of Charity’s mission in Chad. During the celebration, the celebrant emphasized charity, which Olivier’s couple has not lost sight of by adopting and sending some young people to study. After the celebration of the Christmas feast, the sisters visited families affected by the disaster.