Together: young Europeans of different religious denominations are invited for the whole weekend to “widen the space of the tent”. They will be welcomed into families for a weekend of sharing, to walk together as God’s people.

The Gathering of the People of God – prepared by representatives of about fifty ecclesial realities, of different confessional origins – will culminate with the Ecumenical Prayer Vigil on Saturday 30 September, in St Peter’s Square in Rome.

In the presence of Pope Francis and representatives of different Christian Churches, young people will unite in praise and silence, listening to the Word. In a dialogue that reconciles, we remember that we need each other, not to be stronger together, but as a contribution to peace in the human family.

In gratitude for this growing sense of communion, we can find the impetus needed to face today’s challenges in the face of the polarisations that fracture the human family and the cry of the earth.

How was Together born?

Invited to the opening of the Synod of Bishops on synodality, the prior of Taizé thus addressed the Pope: “I would like to share a dream. Would it be possible that one day, in the course of the synod process, not only the delegates but the people of God, not only the Catholics but the believers of the various Churches would be invited to a great ecumenical meeting? Because through baptism we are brothers and sisters in Christ, united in a still imperfect but real communion.

What is Together?

A meeting where all are welcome, just as all are welcome in the heart of God. As we walk together and join our voices in prayer, we want to affirm the hope that all God’s people will one day come together as one.

How to prepare for Together?

We would encourage everyone to be careful about the language we use, to never try to hurt the other, but to listen to them as they are.

We also encourage reaching out to those who have not yet received the invitation or who may feel they have no place in this meeting. The key is to walk together.

Those who will not be able to come to Rome can join in communion with Together through prayers in other parts of the world, via the “Prayers Elsewhere” site.

To visit the official website click here.