Sister Andreea and I, Sister Alexandra, are happy to be able to share with you the experience we are having these blessed days in Portugal. We can say that it is a very rich and profound experience, both spiritual and human. A worldwide experience!

Together with young people from our diocese – Timișoara (Romania) we have already participated in the diocesan phase of WYD, in the city of Pombal, diocese of Coimbra. We stayed with families and together with them we had a beautiful and moving experience, lived through various meetings and initiatives. We left for Lisbon with more joy, more desire to witness to the Lord, more courage to dare to give ourselves, our time, our skills.

After the five days in the diocese, we arrived in Lisbon where we are seeing a Church that is alive and young, capable of rejoicing, of leaving its comforts behind, of witnessing to Christ who is alive and loves us.

On the streets of Lisbon we can see that despite the differences, a new world can be created, as in Genesis. A world that is to be discovered, to be experienced, to be lived in the freedom and joy of faith, learning to leave behind the things that take away our serenity.

We could tell you so many other things because we are truly living a beautiful experience of Church.

We thank all the Sisters of Charity who have been in communion with us these days, through their messages and prayers!

Let us pray for the young people who have the desire to be saints!

May the Lord bless us all!