Yesterday, Tuesday, August 8, the Sisters, who are preparing for or have just celebrated their Perpetual Profession, experienced a particularly significant milestone. 27 Sisters from Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Vietnam are participating.

It was a time of reflection and listening. The goal was to shed new light on the path that these young sisters are called to live.

The  General Superior opened the meeting: mother Maria Rosa Muscarella emphasized that the vocation, which is a gift freely received, asks to be protected and defended. Each of us is called to take care of our own vocation and the vocation of the Congregation.

The Superior General entrusted the sisters with three words:

  1. trust
  2. hope
  3. fidelity.

TAKING CARE means BEING FAITHFUL. The Lord called me, and I said, “Yes, I am coming!” But it is not enough to have said it once so many years ago, it must be repeated every day, not only with words, but with life. Faithfulness is PERSEVERANCE.

The road is not dark; it is a path illuminated by the Rule of Life:

The Sisters of Charity have a Rule of Life, in which the style of following Christ is defined. Service to the poor with a smile and gentleness are a concrete example. This helps us to be faithful to our vocation.

St. Jeanne Antide said, and she still says this to us today, -In you alone, my God and my Lord, I place all my trust and total hope. Whoever hopes in you will not be confused. You are the strong God and to you alone I lean – . So, Jeanne Antide guarded and took care of that vocation she received from God, in Trust, Hope and Faithfulness.