Lord, whom do you want to guide “these” steps?  

   Time of discernment

  Election of the Superior General and the Councillors 

For a short video of the silent adoration click here

The General Chapter of our Congregation is taking place in these days. It is a time of grace, of fraternity, of journeying together from Emmaus to Jerusalem, and from there all over the world.   

 Let us ask for all the Sisters and all the Friends of Jeanne-Antide the Light of the Holy Spirit, the Gift of discernment and the courage to listen to the expectations of the Church and of the poor of our  time.  

” May all be urged by the Spirit of God”   St. J.A.   


Praise to You, almighty God, Spirit of consolation, generous giver of what is good:  

 You are light,  

 You are goodness;  

 You are the Spirit instructing prophets and raising apostles;  

 You give victory to martyrs and strength to those who witness to their faith.  

 Together: Spirit of God, come and pray within us.   

 You give understanding to those who search,  

 You lead those who go astray,  

 You console those who are sad,  

 You strengthen the weak; You heal the wounded, You give courage to the fearful.  

 Together: Spirit of God, come and pray within us.

« Those who are led by the Spirit are not always in the same situation and their progress is not always regular and easy. Our human journey depends on the initiative of the Spirit … Do not give up your trust when you are sad or disappointed … Rather ask for help from Him who is Your refuge. … When you are strong, do not feel self-assured, and keep praying to God with the prophet: «Do not abandon me when my strength will decline » (Ps 70:9). … Bless the Lord at all time, when the world will crumble you will find an unshakable peace. You will be able to renew yourself in the image of God, whose serenity lasts for ever.   

Sermons on Canticle 21 by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux


 Let us pray for all the peoples of Oceania. In particular for Australia, which is a crossroads of cultures, peoples and languages. Oceania is a land of tolerance and work, democracy and rights. Let us pray especially for  the city of Sidney, where, following the wish of a lay friend, the face of Jeanne Antide and that of Mother Candida were portrayed on a stained glass-window  in the Sanctuary dedicated to « Mary, Mother of  mercy ».            

 Let us pray for the vast Asia. A universe of peoples. Land in which ancient and new cultures meet. Cradle of great religions. The sun comes from       Orient … But  sometimes darkness lasts longer there! Land of great resources as well as great poverties. Homeland of contemplative people.                      

 Let us pray for Africa. The homeland of our ancestors. Land with very deep routes … although it seems just born. Continent many times colonized.  Homeland of slaves, of Saints and of many young people.  

Let us pray for Europe. The cradle of democracy and human rights. Yet, today a land of rebellion and sadness. In the past land of tolerance, but today land of intolerance. We entrust to You, O Lord, thi s “Universe of ideas“, of “cultures“ and of “Saints“… Help, O Lord, the peoples of Europe to rediscover their Christian roots. 

Let us pray for North and South  America. United States and Latin America! Bless, O Lord, this land. Bless the Americans who believe, those who work, and those who suffer … bless the productive America, as well as the exploited America, the hospitable America as well as the forgotten America. 

Come O Holy Spirit! 

Come and enlighten this 20th Chapter of our history,  gathered by Your Word of Light and Mercy. 

Come and enlighten all the Sisters of our Congregation and the LayFriends  

Come for all the poor of this world. 

Come, Spirit of the Risen Lord! 

Spirit of Jesus, You were released from His heart in abundance when He entrusted His life to the Father.  

Spirit of Dawn, Spirit of the Future, 

Come and stay with us, “because evening is approaching”! 

Come, Spirit of the Father! 

You guide the Church, first fruit of Pentecost, Help us,  a small “ecclesial community”, step out   following the Pope’s exhortation … help us set off  without delay …  The poor are waiting for us,  with their suffering and their hopes.  

Come  Holy Spirit,  You led Mary,  the woman “who set off without delay”. 

Guide us in this time of grace that  

You have granted us! Amen