The reporting of projects implemented during Season of Creation proceeds with what was done during this precious time in Africa. We discover what has been done in Egypt and Cameroon to care for our Common Home.



Sister Fida shares about the opening prayer for this new school year, which began with the management and all the staff of Ste Anne Caire School.

The theme: “All brothers to protect our common home”. During the year, it was decided to work on APARTMENT.

One of the objectives for reflection: how to protect the Nile, the source of life for Egyptians.

In this new school year, St. Anne School of the Sisters of Saint Jeanne Antide, Cairo, joined in prayer for the protection of nature, especially our Common Home.

On the evening of the Feast of the Cross, the Maronite bishop of Cairo concluded his prayer for all countries that are experiencing climate catastrophes, and that God will guard his Creation and all his creatures through the exaltation of the Cross.

The Cairo community also joined in prayer during the celebrations of the Together – Gathering of the People of God event.


Sister Pauline recounts, for the Season of Creation, the prayer in the Ngaoundal community.