On Sunday, November 5, the General Council, Provincial and Territorial Councils, the sisters of the General House and the Laudato Si’ Circle of Rome Trastevere celebrated the Eucharist in the Laudato Si’ Mass.

The liturgy does not add to creation, rather it reveals the meaning of the cosmos that God conceived and willed as centred on Christ (cf. Col 1:16). The first grain of wheat that appeared on the table of creation is already conceived in view of the host of the Lord. There is something Eucharistic in every particle of creation.

At the altar table we participate with the whole person: mind, spirit and body are involved. The liturgy is a “sensorial” experience because we enter the Eucharistic mystery through the doors of the five senses that are as if awakened and fed in their need for beauty, meaning, harmony, vision, touch, emotion. In one of his hymns, Ephrem the Syrian describes the liturgy as “the holy supper of the senses”.

The Eucharist makes the Church because it generates a range of relationships by which the community lives: filial, fraternal and sororal, paternal and maternal relationships, priestly relationships towards creation.

In the Eucharist, difference ceases to be a source of division and becomes good. Unity, far from destroying them, exalts difference and originality, the multiformity of charisms and vocations.

At the end of the celebration, the Laudato Si’ Circle of Rome Trastevere gave all participants some bags containing seeds as a sign of personal commitment.