From the testimony of sister Myriam:

“When our Provincial Superior asked me if I agreed to be the Laudato Si’ contact person for the Province, my first reaction was to say No, because I felt so incompetent. But after a period of reflection and prayer, I agreed for several reasons:

  • It was a service the Congregation was asking of me.
  • It corresponds to one of the orientations of the last General Chapter.
  • It responds to Pope Francis’ repeated and urgent call for an “integral ecological conversion”.

So I threw myself wholeheartedly into formation and action, intensifying my prayer.

It was then that I discovered, in amazement, unsuspected horizons and above all the scope, gravity and complexity of the crisis we are experiencing globally, an ecological and social crisis that could not leave me indifferent as a consecrated person. As I made new discoveries, I had to cultivate hope, because I felt overwhelmed and, at times, even anxious… But I am not the Saviour of the world… I just have to do my small part, with others, secure in the Faith that the world is already saved!

That is how we created a small Laudato Si’ group here in San Sebastian, calling it “The Hummingbird”.

With me, three adults, five teenagers and three children are discovering the reality of our world and the encyclical Laudato si’. We are opening our eyes to the beauty of Creation, with wonder and gratitude. We are also trying, in our own small way, to repair the wounds caused to our Planet, and we bring all this into prayer. We connect with others who are doing the same thing, and we try to share our findings with those around us, starting with those closest to us.

Today I thank God and our Congregation for entrusting me with a new mission and thus allowing me to renew myself from within. For I am convinced that God always gives what he asks and enables those he calls”.

God who makes all things new

When the wind of the Spirit blows

Come and work your wonders also today

Sister Myriam, San Sebastian – Spain