The reunion in Tarxien of no less than 130 former students of the Immaculate Conception School was celebrated on 17 November 2023. It began with a Eucharistic celebration, followed by a “video clip of memories”, consisting of many photos of the pupils from past years, which provoked much laughter, much nostalgia and much joy at the recollection of the years spent at our school.

The oldest had finished school in 1971 and the youngest in 2022. Also present were the deans from 1950: sister Filomena and sister Salvina. During the simple refreshment one often heard the expressions ‘do you remember…, do you remember…’. Many of the classmates had not seen each other since they left school, but immediately a spirit of fraternity was recreated among them all. A great success and much joy!

At the end, they all asked to revisit the school – a school that had changed for so many. They did not want to end the gathering and at 10 p.m. we had to ‘escort them out’. We all said goodbye saying “see you next time!”.