General Conference 18th – 25th May 2016

“Listening together … Journeying together”

The Provincial and Regional Superior and the Delegate of India gathered together with the General Council in Rome from 18th to 25th May, to reflect on the implementation of the directives given by the General Chapter 2015. The committees on the Rule of Life and on Formation also joined them.

Sr Nunzia, Superior General, began by presenting 3 essential points for religious life today: the renewal of mystical life; evangelical relationships; being missionaries.

There were assemblies, work in groups, and lectures on topics of current interest: Prof. Zichichi on the Creation of the Universe; Prof. Andrea Riccardi (Founder of the Saint Egidio community) on current events and our way of being part of history and reading the signs of the time; Prof. Khalil Helou, on the situation in Middle East, his experience  during the war in Lebanon, and his commitment to promote actively peace and dialogue today.

We reflected on the directives of the General Chapter 2015, with a stronger awareness that the whole Congregation is on mission; each one of us is called to assume a wider vision about our mission, which needs to be lived in solidarity and beyond the structure of our local organization.

It is a challenge which urges us to go beyond frontiers – not just geographical ones – in order to serve together the new poverties of our time. We are all called to journey together more and more …