Sister Jeanne-Antide Thouret to Sister Elisabeth Bouvard

Naples, 30 november 1810

“I did not forget you and our Sisters before the relics of St Peter, relics surrounded with 110 lamps which are lit day and night. We arrived in Naples on 18th November. The authorities carne to meet us and conducted us to our church where the Bishop said Mass for us, with organ and orchestra. Afterwards we kissed his ring. We were taken to our house which is lovely and very spacious, with terraces on top where we can walk and see the whole city and the sea, as well as the mountain which smokes and throws out fire and flames in the summer. From tomorrow, we shall take charge of a hospital near us which has 100 sick.

Pray for us.

It seems I shall leave about Easter for Besançon. The King of Naples and the Queen, in their kindness, have paid us a visit. It is rather chilly at present. We have a good French confessor… is giving us Italian lessons. Sister Rosalie and little Colombe embrace you. They are well, and so are our Sisters”.


“Rassegna Culturale S.Giovanna Antida Thouret”

Institut Français Napoli

Comitato promotore

Dott. Massimo Magliocchetti – Presidente
Avv. Alida Di Napoli – Vicepresidente
Prof. Mauro Castaldo – Direttore artistico
Arch. Maurizio Magliocchetti – Direttore tecnico
Sr Alfonsina Gatti – Sr Clementina Carbone

Venerdì 18 novembre 2016 ore 18,00
Chiesa di Santa Maria Regina Coeli, Napoli

“Memoria storica e religiosa a Regina Coeli”
Letizia Ramolino invia a Napoli Giovanna Antida Thouret


Mons. Vincenzo De Gregorio
Preside del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra

Sr Paola Arosio

Suore della carità di S. Giovanna Antida Thouret

Dott. Massimo Magliocchetti
Presidente del comitato promotore della Rassegna Thouret

    Con la partecipazione del soprano Daniela Esposito

accompagnata all’organo da Francesco Simonelli.

In programma musiche di. A. Vivaldi, Ch. Gounod, S. Mercadante, C. Franck.



     Monastero Santa Maria Regina Coeli Vico San Gaudioso, 2    Tel. 081459114-08119285500           

Associazione organistica Giovanni Maria Trabaci, Via Duca di San Donato, 28 – Napoli

                                                                             Tel.: 081.5634518 – Cell.: 339.5389103         e.mail: sito web:


Prossimo appuntamento: venerdi 18 dicembre 2016 – ore 19.00

Chiesa di Santa Regina Coeli