“Can we visit the chapel?” “Yes, it’s the chapel at 2 rue des Martelots, Besançon”.

The Sisters who run the reception desk often hear this question.

This question is asked by people who discover our large house when they enter the courtyard, or by people who are surprised to see large windows in the shape of stained-glass windows when they pass in the street? It’s a visit of curiosity that often turns into a time of meditation and prayer… in a place that always surprises you because it’s a place where you can find peace in a “Laudato Si” environment, between two busy streets.

To have such a place in the heart of the city is a treasure that we are delighted to share:

  • 4 times a week, from 1st November to Easter, around forty people gather in the chapel for parish mass and, on Fridays, with all the Canons of the Cathedral Chapter, whose mission is to pray every day for the Church and the diocese in particular.
  • On 2 February, all the consecrated people in the diocese came together in fraternity to share and pray during the mass celebrated by Mgr Bouilleret, archbishop of the Besançon diocese. And to share a meal. The chapel was packed with lay people from various parishes who came to join us.
  • On 3 February, the chapel welcomed the “Contre point” choir, delighted to sing in a variety of world languages to an enthusiastic audience in a venue with perfect acoustics. Three other choirs have already experienced this and have again booked the chapel for their concerts… and all these groups say they feel at home here. And for the very diverse audiences who come to hear them, it’s also a discovery, with questions about the history of this place and the community present.
  • On 4 February, the 7 communities of Franche-Comté met to reflect on the future of their communities and buildings. It was a great time of sharing, with all the Sisters encouraged to give their point of view and to pray for light to be shed!
  • And from this place, in this month of February, our prayers rose up to join our sisters in Vietnam and China in these days of the New Year!

This chapel, built between 1844 and 1847, brings us together with the Lord and invites us to pray to Mary, the Immaculate Virgin who has seen so many sisters pass through her over the years, while Saint Jeanne-Antide and Saint Vincent de Paul never cease to remind us that the poor are at our doorstep.

We are provoked and are looking for ways to enhance this place of meditation, history and prayer on a global scale.

sister M.Jacqueline M.