From 25 to 28 April 2024, the third long-awaited meeting was held in Naples – Regina Coeli, for the heads, coordinators and collaborators of the schools run by the Sisters of Charity. An important moment of formation and sharing that saw the Euro-Mediterranean Provincial Council committed to the success of the days.

The event was attended by representatives of our schools in Italy and Malta, the Provincial of Besançon-Savoie, sister Noelle and the coordinator of the International Office for Education (UIPE).

The first day featured a dialogue on Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a lecture given by Prof. Giovanni Tridente, professor of the Faculty of Institutional Communication at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross.

The assembly reflected on the usefulness of Artificial Intelligence applied to education as a tool for enriching the development of skills, expanding reflection on the ethical implications of its use, emphasising its responsible and conscious use. The school, in fact, must commit itself to making its students responsible ‘users’ and, in the same way, teachers must be able to play the pivotal role of central figures in the learning process of each of them.

During the following days of training, discussions were opened on the different school realities present, where the charism that unites them all in this educational mission could be clearly seen, starting with sister Maria Silvia’s talk: ‘In our history a model: Sister Nemesia Valle, 20 years after her beatification (25 April 2004 – 25 April 2024).

This communication aroused the desire to get back into the game, the constancy and determination to overcome the daily challenges in the management of the pupils and the daily challenges of all kinds. Seeing how the figure of ‘this little nun of charity’ was able to become a model for the sisters and all the educators, thanks to her teaching method based on goodness, was a source of inspiration and emulation for all those present. In fact, Sr. Nemesia taught that work is not individual, but always shared, and that in our schools a true educating community must be formed by sisters and lay people called to walk together for a common educational project. Indeed, the Blessed had already understood the importance of collaboration, in a modern vision that did not ride on the coattails of the times, but was already projected into the future.

After these days spent together, we can ask ourselves: what did this meeting leave us with? Certainly the awareness that we are not alone. The establishment of the International Bureau for Education helps us to grow in this spirit of international family, of believing in a common project and being supported in reflecting and projecting the future.

The projects we have been talking about are certainly ambitious, but the passion of people working together for the same goals makes everything easier – and we have seen this during these days of sharing.

Networking between schools will certainly make us stronger and the love of education will be the glue from which we all start together.

From today, we look forward to next year!

Loredana G.