Italy, Romania, Paraguay, Central Africa, Brazil. Albania, Malta: the communities, during the month of May 2024, organized meetings, events, celebrations: “When God calls and listens to Him, He ensures everything necessary” (J.A. Thouret).

Below is a first photo gallery:

Italy, Ferrara

The involvement of young people already walking with the Euro-Mediterranean youth ministry team, central area, was implemented through a vocation weekend, which reached out and involved new fellow travelers among girls and boys from central Italy. The slogan Choose Life guided us to the meeting with “Witnesses of Life Choices”!

The weekend began with an online moment of getting to know Anna and Enrico and witnessing how they came to choose marriage. Then the journey from a thousand roads to arrive in Castel Maggiore and celebrate their wedding together. It was a very intense moment. Someone even though they did not know the bride and groom, except for the online testimony, felt involved in their yes and provoked to search and discover their yes.

Romania, Bucharest

In Bucharest, Romania, a Triduum for the liturgical feast of St. Jeanne Antide, May 23, was animated with the students of the university hostel.

Italy, Milan

The month of May each year offers the opportunity to gather around the Mother of All for the celebration of the Rosary or other Marian devotions. This year the Little House of St. Joseph also wanted to pray with special intensity for vocations.

Paraguay, Lambaré

Children from the St. Jeanne Antide Center prayed the vocation rosary together.

Italy, Rome

Community sisters and young people from Common Life celebrated the vocation rosary along the garden paths to the little chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes.

Albania, Mirdita – Fane – Rubik’s

The month of May has been started with the elementary school children. So too in Domgjon, another village in Mirdita. Twice a week, throughout the Vocations Month, the Rosary, with vocation prayer, is prayed in the different villages, gathering in homes.

On May 12, the Itinerant Prayer was experienced with teenagers from Fane and Rubik. Finally, on May 23, the community gathered in Fane to experience Eucharistic Adoration with adolescents, youth and adults from Rubik, Fane and neighboring villages.


Adoration for the vocation month at the Tarxien community was held on May 16, 2024. During the prayer, in a charming and collected atmosphere, participants were invited to go up in procession to the altar to light a candle and place it near a country that is suffering, continuing to pray for serenity and peace in that nation.


The retreat for the vocation month was held in Brazil.

Central Africa

Recognizing vocation is an exercise in contemplation, it is to stand before reality to listen to its story, to recognize its movement and grasp its invitation.

Romania, Timișoara

A worship service was organized with some young people attending the boarding house on the occasion of the vocation month.

Italy, Naples

From Naples, the land where Jeanne Antide spent the last years of her life, came the testimony of what local communities of sisters and AJA are organizing with young people and for young people: that what God has rooted in the depths of their being may flourish in fullness and freedom.