“I like to think that the treasure of faith is so powerful and precious that it can illuminate even a technology that challenges our humanity, a technology that has given us possibilities never dreamed of before. Network evangelisation is a balancing act, prudence and boldness are needed, the same virtues the Lord asked of the apostles” (Juan Narbona, journalist and lecturer in institutional communication).

For the Communications Office of the Sisters of Charity, the week of 16 to 20 September 2024 was a very important week: on Wednesday 18th we met online with the territorial contacts for communications, and on Friday 20th with the contacts for the International Workshops on Education, Youth and Integral Ecology.

The Provincial Councils have in fact appointed one or more sisters within their territories, so that communication – through the SdC website, social networks, the newsletter, of the congregation – can offer the widest possible range of opportunities for information, sharing, formation, giving voice to all the charismatic realities scattered around the world. Communities, educational, social, pastoral works, lay collaborators, Friends AJA, young people, families… we are all encouraged to participate and be co-responsible in building bridges of dialogue and communion.

Thanks to the Sisters of the various Provinces who have been called upon to help with communication. We count on them and on the network they will certainly be able to activate in their territories.