Lord, let the Good News of your wonderful works reach every ear,

and let all tongues rejoice in your wisdom, compassion, faithfulness and love.

Make me bold and let me share your Word with those you wish to reach.

As my heart overflows with your love, speak through me.

Make me proclaim your glory and your majesty, and tell of the goodness you have shown your people.

This I ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen“.

With the Prayer of the Communicator, on 20 September 2024, the online meeting of the Communications Office with the Contact Persons of the International Workshops on Education, Youth, Integral Ecology began.

The General Council of the Sisters of Charity, in implementation of the Acts of the General Chapter 2021, has set up these three International Laboratories that have at heart the promotion of these three focuses of the mission of the Sisters of Charity.

The Laboratory referents are also called to contribute to the widest possible range of opportunities for information, sharing, formation, giving voice to all the charismatic realities scattered around the world. Communities, educational, social, pastoral, health care works, lay collaborators, Friends, young people, families… we are all encouraged to participate and be co-responsible in building bridges of dialogue and communion.

Thanks also to the sisters of the respective Workshops for their contribution to communication. We count on them and on the network they will certainly be able to activate.

“The human mind – Cassian the Roman already reminded us in the 3rd century – is always in action and cannot stop ‘grinding’ what it receives, but it is up to us to decide what material to provide”. Let us hope, then, that we can ‘grind’ a lot of information, so that we can offer a fragrant and good bread to those who feed on the fruits of communication. May it be a constructive communication that fosters a culture of encounter and nourishes hope (cf. Pope Francis in his Message for the Day of Social Communications).