Since mid-September 2024, we have been following with apprehension the severe humanitarian crisis that the people of Lebanon are going through. Since 2019, inflation has reached 200 percent and the local currency has lost 90 percent of its value, the Lebanese Central Bank prevents access to current accounts to withdraw funds in dollars. And now the war: people’s conditions are becoming more unbearable every day.

All of Lebanon, with its 10,452 km² area inhabited by 5 million people, is suffering the tragic consequences. The population is helplessly witnessing the destruction of their homes.

Phosphorus bombs burn everything they encounter in the southern border area: olive and old pine forests, orchards, houses, stores, hotels, gas stations, etc.

Israel, Iran and Hezbollah field their war arsenal, while the Lebanese army desperately seeks its role in this conflict.

The active involvement of the Besançon-Baabda School of the Sisters of Charity

In schools, in addition to having to protect themselves from bombardment, people live in a state of trauma, anxiety and stress, aggravated by a number of factors, including uncertainty about the continuity of the school year and the precarious economic situation.

In this difficult context, the presence of a minimum of support and security for parents and pupils is of paramount importance. Thus, the Besançon-Baabda School of the Sisters of Charity first sent a document to all parents of pupils to respond to a detailed questionnaire about their situation and needs, especially of those who had to leave their homes quickly to reach safer areas and thus need support: medicines, mattresses, food, hygiene products and psychological support. Thus a ten-member committee (management, alumni, scouts and multidisciplinary team) was established to develop a strategy to meet the basic needs of the families.

“Power is lonely, people are united.”

In this spirit, the school decided to issue an appeal to parents of students and alumni of the school: “By joining forces, we can create a network of solidarity that can meet the basic needs of people affected by this crisis. Every gesture counts, whether it is a donation or a simple word of comfort. Together, we can make a difference and show that in the face of adversity, the educational community remains united and committed.