In Timișoara, together with the young people, a very special event came to life: “This is how we can describe the carnival for young people that has just taken place. The preparations began three days before, when some young people came to help us. It was great to see their contribution, completely free of charge, both before and during the carnival. I can say that we felt like a family.

The carnival lasted almost five hours and the time spent was really beautiful and dynamic. We started with the jubilee hymn, inviting young people to reflect on hope, then we continued with games of knowledge and attention.

More dynamic were the dances and the karaoke, where we saw passionate young people eager to share their talents. I really liked it when I saw them together, happy and willing to do what we asked.

During these moments, I noticed that they also took time to talk, to eat together. This leads me to say that in a world where almost everything seems virtual, the need to share, to exchange a few words is great.

We need to meet, to look at each other, to talk face to face. And young people feel this more than adults. They are not made to sit on their arses, but to build something.

I will close by asking the Lord to help all young people to be willing to give something of themselves, to feel that they are not alone and that together with others they can build something beautiful.

I wish you a happy and holy Lent, which is fast approaching!

Sister Alexandra V., Timișoara, Romania