“A transforming crucifixion”, with these strongly evocative expressions, Father Augustine of the Virgin, Definitor of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity and Postulator of the cause for canonisation of the Foundress describes Mother Thouret’s existential journey.

“Her life was a whole, rapidly traversed, which sets before us a perpetually transforming crucifixion, in a likeness very close to the Divine Crucified. It happened in her, in a certain sense, what occurs more or less apparently and visibly in the great Servants of God. This is when the Blessed Servant of God – whose glory is being celebrated today – reminds each one of us: no one is dispensed from aspiring to this transfiguration. For we are all called to holiness”.

From Father Augustine’s Address to His Holiness Pope Pius XI, at the end of the Reading of the Decree of Canonisation, also on behalf of the Religious Family of the Sisters of Charity, 6 August 1934, in the Consistory Hall.