“Wherever we are in the world, let us celebrate together this feast that strengthens unity within our religious Family. I would like to invite you to look at Mary as an icon of our call to be believers, because we can open ourselves to the point of letting ourselves be disturbed and changed by the “impossible” (Lk 1:37).

What the Angel Gabriel announces to Mary is not the privilege of her divine motherhood, but rather the surprising beauty of a God who wants to be “with us” (Is 8:10), waiting to be welcomed by us, to be given again to all. Dear Sisters, God always surprises us, breaks our patterns and undermines our plans.


Even today, at this moment when, according to the Orientation of the 2021 General Chapter, we are called to live transformative processes, God says to each one: “Be proud of me, do not be afraid, let yourself be surprised, come out of yourself and follow me”. He waits for us to let ourselves be surprised in the simplicity, in the humility of our lives. This is how He wants to manifest Himself. He gives us His saving love. He cares for us, gives us strength and calls us towards a divine adventure: being God’s gaze; his smile; his hands in this world thirsting for justice, attention, tenderness...
He does not ask us for extraordinary things. He only asks us to listen to His word and trust Him, so that every day can be a new Annunciation, with Mary“.

Sister Maria Rosa Muscarella, Superior General