From Casandrino, Naples, we received a letter telling of the bonds that began with attendance at the Kindergarten and have continued throughout life, woven of affection, closeness, and gratitude.

I am Mario Femiano, I come from Casandrino in the province of Naples. I find myself writing to you today to share with you and your readers my formative experience and human growth lived thanks to you.

As a child, I attended Kindergarten and Catechism at your Congregation present in my country. I have wonderful memories of those years that I will always carry within me.

Among the various activities I do remember the countless plays organized by the sisters in which I took part. Unfortunately, in the 1970s, the community in Casandrino was closed, thus preventing many other children/young people from having those same experiences as me.

In spite of this, together with other friends, we kept in touch with the Sisters of the House in Giugliano in Campania (NA), unfortunately also closed a few years ago, where I met the last Sisters with whom I had contact: Sister Bianca Piròli, Sister Maria Grazia Senatore, Sister Emilia Serre and Sister Angela Perillo.

In addition, having always been fond of your congregation, I also attended your Regina Coeli House in Naples and there I had the opportunity to participate in a series of events with the Band Ensemble of my town (Fr. Anfossi), of which I am a member and have the honor of being its Vice Maestro.

In particular, we had the honor of playing for the 150th anniversary of the birth of St. Jeanne Antide; at the procession on the occasion of the donation of the silver bust of the Saint to the Cathedral of Naples; and finally on the occasion of the transfer of the Saint’s remains from the Church of Regina Coeli to a room in the Monastery.

I hope I have done a good thing by recounting my experiences with you.

With affection,

Mario Femiano”