La Plata, Colón, Argentina; Fernando De La Mora, Puerto Triunfo, Lambare, Paraguay.

The latest projects that the Integral Ecology column wants to tell you about come from America.

The activities, an extensive photo report of which can be found here, are located within Laudato Si’ Week.

This week is a time to raise civil society’s awareness of issues related to integral ecology, a work in which the Sisters of Charity also participated with joy and commitment.

If you want to know more about Laudato Si’ week click here.

To review Europe’s projects click here.

To review Africa’s projects click here.

To review Asia’s projects click here.



Friday 26, cinema debate on the film “The Letter”.


Video summary of Laudato Si’ Week.

San Antonio Parish in La Plata organized Laudato Si’ Week for the first time, open to the entire Archdiocese and coordinated by the pastor and Sister Caty.

A “Conversatorio” was held on Monday 22 with the participation of members of the Social Pastoral, Prof. Paulina Piro, who developed part of the document, and Dr. Andres Porto, who spoke about “environmental problems in La Plata today.”

Also present were the coordinators of the Pampa zone of the Laudato Si’ Movement.

Workshop “Use, Reuse, Recycle, a way to care for the Common Home”.

Introducing the group “cuidadores de la Casa Común” a movement born in Argentina that accompanies people living on the streets and encourages them to support themselves by recycling.


Celebration of Laudato Si’ Week with St. Jeanne Antide at St. Martha’s School.



At Center 11 “sta Juana Antida” of Santa Catalina Parish in Fernando de la Mora, Paraguay, despite the rain, the community gathered to open Laudato Si’ Week.

They celebrated Holy Mass and prepared flower pots with messages that will be delivered in the coming days.

Closing of Laudato Si’ Week on Sunday 28 with the film-debate “The Letter” at St. Catherine’s Church.

As part of “Laudato Si’ Week 2023,” LS animators from St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Fernando de la Mora screened the film “The Letter”, at the end of which a discussion was held with those present. Invited to participate in the discussion were:

  • Angel Armoa, pastor of Santa Catalina de Siena Parish.
  • Sister Laura, member of the Friends of St. Jeanne Antide.
  • Gustavo Vadumpeck, Sacred Hearts trainer (Congregation).
  • Sabino Colman, beekeeper in the area.

The event was curated by: DP. Arnaldo Ramirez and by LS animator Sister Raquel of the Congregation of St. Juana Antide. The occasion was a very intense but beautiful moment, a strong reminder of personal and social responsibility.


The community of Puerto Triunfo, Paraguay, gathered during Laudato Si’ Week to celebrate as “Custodians of Creation in the Style of Joan Antide” on Tuesday 23.

At the moment of forgiveness, a young woman danced with a jug of pure water to ask for forgiveness:

  • For not properly valuing this vital liquid and for wasting it;
  • for the pesticide-contaminated water that affects many brothers and sisters in our area;
  • for not being faithful to the water of our baptism and believing ourselves owners and not custodians of creation.

Just as St. Jeanne Antide shared her experiences through her letters to sisters and benefactors, some community members shared their witness of service encouraging us to be seeds of a new style, to bear fruits of fraternity and care, to grow life in all its dimensions.

Also in Puerto Triunfo, closing of Laudato Si’ week. Start of water well drilling and cistern and network construction in the rural community of Cristo Rey.


In preparation for Laudato si’ Week, children from the Sta Juana Antida Center in Lambare, Paraguay, visit the botanical garden.

Believing in the power of the seed…bending to sow…to heal…. To grow…

Photos of life shared at the St Jeanne Antide Center.

Lambare, Sta Juana Antida Center. Closing Laudato Si’ Week with “The Square That We Want” in collaboration with the City Council.