In the city of Luján, Argentina, on June 28, 29 and 30, a Provincial Meeting was held with the presence of Mother Maria Rosa and the two Councilors sister Maria Luisa and sister Mirta.

It was a space experienced in person with the sisters present in Argentina and experienced virtually with sisters from Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay.

The Provincial Meeting was a time of grace, of listening, of sharing the need to be open to change so that life will follow its path in a synodal perspective, seeking new styles of leadership. A time of fraternity, of sharing dreams and also sorrows, which call us to mercy and to the awareness that the first change and conversion come from within.

We are grateful for the words of sister Maria Rosa, who exhorts us to “know how to read deeply and with faith the process of change that we are experiencing” and that “our birth and our future arise only from an act of faith.” Her exhortation challenges us to continue to monitor how we live leadership in the service of life and our sisters, so that it is “leadership as a generating force to liberate our freedom.”

We thank God and our dear Virgin of Luján for the moments we have shared and trust that God will give us the growth we need.

Sister Noemí Domíncuez R.