Thursday 25 April was sorting day at the Besançon-Baabda school! A major event to raise awareness among pupils of the importance of recycling and protecting the environment.

The excitement was palpable from the very first morning. Parents, pupils, teachers, administrators and staff, all carrying bags and in good spirits, were eager to take part in this collective initiative. The school was transformed into a veritable sorting village, with containers dedicated to each type of waste.

Then it was time for the collection! Pupils paraded around with their bags full of all kinds of recyclable objects. They collected them in their homes, classrooms and corners of the school. Plastic bottles, cans, cardboard, packaging, used notebooks… you name it!

As they sorted, the pupils became aware of the importance of this simple gesture for the environment. They realised that recycling gives materials a second life, reduces pollution and conserves natural resources.

Sorting Day was a great success. The pupils were enthusiastic and involved in the process, and gained valuable knowledge about recycling and environmental protection. They also realised that their contribution, however small, can make a big difference.

The school has demonstrated its commitment to sustainable development and environmental education. This initiative has created a spirit of solidarity and responsibility within the school community, and has inspired the pupils to continue their eco-citizen actions beyond the school walls.

Sister Mirna F.