« When he had finished speaking, Jesus said to Simon: “Put out to sea and let down your nets to fish”. » (Lc 5,4)

On 12 june 2022, in Sancey, in the Basilic dedicated to St. Jeanne-Antide, together with the Sisters of the Besançon-Savoie Province, in the presence of the Superior General and her Council, the new Provincial Council for the Besançon-Savoie Province was established:

Provincial Superior:  Sr Noëlle PORTAL

Provincial Councillors: Sr Yannick BERGES, Sr Pascale HARATIK and Sr Christine WALCZAK

For these Sisters, we ask the Lord to be able, in there service, to remain in the boat of the Church and of the Congregation, placing themselves in obedience to the mandate they have received to put out to sea and to trust in Him, so that He can grow in the hearts and lives of the Sisters to whom they are sent.