For young mothers selling fruit and vegetables by the roadside of Sucre, the Sisters of Charity together with volunteers from the parish of San Lázaro, organise “El Kilo del Amor”. It is a service of love, promotion and charity.

The project started in times of pandemic and provides a space for prayer, reflection, but also for sharing a delicious lunch, delivering food and above all listening, to make women feel loved, full of dignity and capable of a different future for them and their children.

Most of the women are illiterate: for them the Sisters of Charity in 2022 also opened literacy courses.

And we keep going! – the Sisters of Sucre write to us – get to know our sisters and try to be close to them, manifesting the Father’s tenderness, with the motto: ‘Serve, serve with joy, serve God Alone, serve the little ones’, as St Jeanne Antide Thouret taught us“.