“We are here, ready to support new looks, new points of view, proposals, suggestions for profound and courageous changes. Dear Sisters, let us open ourselves with confidence to the future!

The Spirit is calling us to live a new season of the charism, to bring out in today’s Europe a particular beauty of -loving Jesus Christ, loving and serving the poor who are His members, manifesting to them the love of the Father-.

It is time to reflect, to discern, to let us all get involved; let us arm ourselves with boldness, spiritual strength, enthusiasm and the ability to dream and to see the present and the future with confident hope. And now, all together, young people and those who are older, we want to continue on the path whose goal is to give life to the Province Europe. A journey that challenges each one personally and as a community to take steps”. (Mother’s Circular No. 40).

From 2 to 6 September 2024, the General Council met the European Councils: “Dear Sisters of the Besançon-Savoie Province and of the Euro-Mediterranean Province, with the solicitude of Martha and the listening of Mary, in an attitude of constant discernment, let us continue the journey towards the European Province and let us support each other with prayer, which is that lifeblood that enables us to remain united to the Vine that is Christ”.

The days were dense and lively. Being placed at the beginning of the Month of Creation 2024, the Superior General and the two provincial superiors wanted to express their harmony with the concern for the care of the Common Home and its inhabitants with a ‘sign’ suggested by the Laudato Si’ Movement: the planting of a tree: “Hope and act with creation”.