On 21 January 2024, the Informal Education Laboratory (LEI) was launched, via Zoom, alongside the International Laboratory for Education (LIAE), both promoted by the International Bureau for Education (UIPE).

The Informal Education Laboratory includes hostels for university students and boarding schools, family homes for minors or women and mothers in difficulty, day care centres, centres for the differently abled, and prisons.

Sister Wandamaria C., General Council and UIPE Coordinator, Sister Mirna F. and Sister Teresa T. (UIPE Contact Person and Secretary) welcomed the seven sisters, representing different territorial realities in the world. The mission of the Workshop was presented to the participants with regard to informed educational works.

reflect on education and the charismatic identity of these works

build the Network of Informal Social Educational Works

In turn, the members of the LEI Workshop are called upon to:

  • Represent the informal educational reality of their territories;
  • Collaborate with the network of educational consultants and the International Educational Laboratory (LIAE);
  • Actively participate in meetings with a synodal and fraternal style and commit themselves to growing communion among us;
  • Be open to civil and religious realities and contribute to reflection with simplicity and responsibility.

We are called to strengthen our charismatic identity and to create more and more of a sense of belonging to an international and multicultural congregation.

Sister Mirna F.

UIPE Contact Person