The Ntui school, during this school year 2023-2024, also shared with the schools of the diocese, the theme chosen for the pastoral year 2023-2024: communion.

To create this bond of communion within our school reality, and in common agreement with an American NGO called Peace Corp, we initiated an awareness-raising day on the topic of puberty.

The objective was to make pre-teens aware of the changes that take place in their bodies. They should not be afraid of it, because it is a normal process during which the body changes to allow reproduction. It should be noted that sometimes puberty can also cause difficulties. That is why it is essential for the pre-teen to be aware of what is happening in the body.

This awareness is part of the EVA courses, Education for Life and Love.

We noticed that this theme aroused a lot of enthusiasm among the young people, who remained attentive and involved throughout the day. We closed this awareness day with several games.

Sister Odette Lartel