In Ngaoundal on August 12 and 13, 2023, the first edition of Parish Youth Days was held. The event was designed to allow young people, who were unable to attend World Youth Day with the Pope, to relive the experience locally.

Parish Youth Days, which are held every 3 years, and are an opportunity for young people to meet, exchange ideas, share experiences and make friends; to renew their experience of love with God; to remember that tomorrow’s Church is in their hands.

These Parish Youth Days in Ngaoundal were organized with the theme “Mary got up and left in a hurry”.

These were two intense days spent in the parish with enthusiastic and dynamic young people. The experience allowed them to reflect and live a doubly rich experience.

As Mary, the young people went home having had a wonderful experience, expressing the importance of opening up to others to break down the barriers that hinder the development of those who remain closed in on themselves.

Through the second theme, “Leadership”, the young people learned that we need to be responsible for every choice we make. A good leader is someone who leads the group toward goals.

A solemn Mass marked these days. It was the first edition, the only one of its kind.