Friendly Heart Award – Sister Elvira Tutolo among the awardees
The Italian association Cuore Amico Fraternità ETS, which has been supporting missionary [...]
The Italian association Cuore Amico Fraternità ETS, which has been supporting missionary [...]
For us, Sisters of Charity, the icon chosen for the 110th Day [...]
From Khabab, young catechists and scout leaders have two summer camps. From [...]
Oravita: the Summer Camp was organised from 24 to 28 July 2024 [...]
Ten days in Rome, with refugees and asylum seekers taken care of [...]
Prison time makes sense if it is an opportunity for an inner [...]
"God walks with His people" is the theme of Pope Francis' message [...]
"The voice of God," Maria tells us, "has an unmistakable sound, it [...]
Sister Melissa, a social worker, has been working for a year at [...]
The "non-formal" educational works in Malta, initiated by our sisters, are a [...]