Laudato Si’ Week 2023 – The initiatives of the Sisters of Charity
Laudato Si' Week. "Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity." May 21-28, 2023 [...]
Laudato Si' Week. "Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity." May 21-28, 2023 [...]
Hospital St. Jeanne-Antide de Gala: with some of the Hospital's volunteers, on [...]
Community Volunteer Saturday, Lambare, Paraguay. Earth Day reminds us of the importance [...]
The World Network of Women Religious and the Sisters of Charity are [...]
We gladly publish Sister Thressia's testimony from India. "Good morning everyone! I [...]
Celebrated one year since the beginning of the collaboration of Circolo Laudato Si' [...]
Puerto Triunfo community's Laudato Si' project with after-school children What better way to [...]
Published seven years ago, the encyclical Laudato Si' continues to inspire many people [...]
Sr Saïdé Khairallah, shares her teaching community’s environmental efforts focusing on the youth [...]
The following story is written by Laudato Si’ Animator Arnaldo Ramirez, who used the COVID-19 [...]