Chad – The Horizon of Vocational Youth Ministry.
In N'Djamena, Chad's capital, the meeting of the International Vocational Youth Ministry Workshop, [...]
In N'Djamena, Chad's capital, the meeting of the International Vocational Youth Ministry Workshop, [...]
In Fernando de la Mora, the third meeting of the youth pastoral [...]
As of August 1, 2023, Famvin News is the new information and [...]
Sister Andreea and I, Sister Alexandra, are happy to be able to [...]
At the Opening Mass of WYD 2023, the Patriarch of Lisbon, Cardinal [...]
On July 27, 2023, Sister Nhan Thi Dinh also pronounced her Yes [...]
For young mothers selling fruit and vegetables by the roadside of Sucre, [...]
Happy Friendship Day to all of you. For this joyous occasion, Sonia, [...]
Tomorrow, July 30, 2023, marks a beautiful occasion to celebrate friends around [...]
100 Italian scientists signed an appeal today: 'Let us speak clearly about the [...]