Sister Antida B. and Sister Rosa S. have spent their lives in CAR and Chad, respectively: we listened to their testimony about the presence of missionaries and missionaries in this land of six million people, among the poorest in the world.

Yet CAR is a country of extraordinary and rare natural beauty and wonderful wildlife. Discrete are the forest resources, with the wealth of valuable essences such as mahogany and ebony, and, equally, the mineral resources: diamonds and uranium above all. But persistent political instability, poor communication routes and climatic adversity, especially drought, condemn the population to poverty. Since 2012, political problems and civil war have made the country completely off-limits to travelers for security reasons, with all Western governments warning against any visits.

Despite such difficulties, in the cities of Banguì, Bocaranga, and Bohong Bouar, the “tent” of the Christian vocation, in the varied expressions of consecration, is expanding.

Sister Rosa and Sister Antida tell us about the living and constant presence of the Sisters of Charity within the communities of the Central African Republic, an accompaniment that takes place in different areas ranging from formation to the welcoming of the most disadvantaged.

In their account of the Sisters of Charity’s presence in CAR, Sister Antida and Sister Rosa both dwelt on the Sisters’ significant rootedness in the social fabric.


One of the main commitments of the Sisters of Charity within this territory is in education. There are schools in Bocaranga, Bohong and Bouar, while in Bangui land has been purchased with the desire to erect an additional school building. In each institution, children are taken from kindergarten through high school.

The great importance placed on the quality of education is ensured by classes with fewer than 30 pupils and the careful training of teachers.

To facilitate, then, access to university courses, the high schools are flanked by women’s “foyers”, residential studentates that accommodate young women from isolated areas so they can attend classes. Female students independently manage their periods of study and work. The decision to open such places for girls is dictated by the social situation, which disadvantages young women compared to male students.

Young female university students are assured constant spaces for human and spiritual formation, including a month-long internship, in which the girls actively and profitably participate.

The richness of these “foyers” for female students is the sharing of some places, such as the courtyard, with the Sisters of Charity community. Community events for birthdays, graduation parties, congregational or Sisters’ anniversaries are frequent and appreciated.


At the health level, a dispensary is operational in Bohong, providing primary health care. In the other localities there is no immediate need for such a service due to the presence of hospitals, while in Bohong the hospital is too far away for the local population. Here nursing sisters work with local staff.

Service in prisons

The Bocaranga community ensures a weekly shift to prepare food to bring to the inmates. Medicine and other basic necessities are also provided.

With the poor

One of the most present services is to help the most frail people at home. At each visit, an attempt is made to understand what is most needed, what are the first necessities that then become indispensable, when the person cannot move and needs care.

Parish Pastoral Care

A living presence within the various communities and in the social fabric, the Sisters of Charity also make themselves available to parishes. Services are varied, ranging from catechesis for adults to catechesis for children, with preparation for the sacraments.

Land of vocations

From the women’s foyers have, in fact, been born numerous vocations to consecrated life, the fruit of the Lord’s call. Formative meetings accompany the girls in their vocational deepening.

Sister Antida tells us that even the month-long formative internships, during which the girls are supervised by the sisters, have led numerous girls to the maturation of their personal vocation.

These are precious fruits, born from formation and example, but above all from the recognition and acceptance of a gift to be cultivated and renewed with ever new momentum.

We thank sister Antida and sister Rosa for their precious witness and wish all the Sisters of Charity present in the Central African Republic a good mission.

To listen to the UbiCasT podcast – Sister Elvira Tutolo – in Central Africa serving the little ones, click here.