The International Office for Education (UIPE), promoted by the General Council, according to the Acts of the General Chapter 2021, has the mission to:

  • represent the congregation in international Catholic or lay educational bodies, becoming an active member: among them the International Office for Catholic Education, the OIEC, and the European Council for Catholic Education, the CEEC.
  • Reflect on the main challenges facing our educational activities and strengthen our educational and Christian values and convictions.
  • Ensure inculturation and fidelity to our identity according to the charism of St. Jeanne Antida in our schools.
  • Coordinate and facilitate exchanges and sharing between our different international educational realities.
  • To promote our educational action throughout the world, supporting “educational works that are inserted in the peripheries, where we are and where the right to education is most violated”, as the Acts of the General Chapter of 2021 requested.
  • Elaborate an Educational Project that draws common educational lines consistent with the charism, as a source of inspiration for the various educational projects of the Congregation: schools, university boarding schools and other educational places.
  • Create an annual database of our educational realities.
  • Facilitate the flow of information between our different educational realities and coordinate with the communications office to ensure a better and more regular dissemination of information.
  • To organise and accompany international educational meetings, especially online at the outset, in collaboration with the people in charge in the territorial realities, between the heads of education in our schools and between teachers and students.
  • Encourage formation programmes in the light of the charism, for the sisters and lay collaborators called to run the schools.