« Christmas Day » with the direction and the educational community

It’s Christmas at St Anne’s Nursery School in Cairo, Egypt

On this day called « Christmas Day», together with the management and the educational community, we warmly welcomed the children accompanied by their parents, to spend a pleasant morning of relaxation entitled “Christmas games”, prepared by the teachers.

The day began with infantine voices and dances beautifully presented by the kindergarten girls dressed in red, green and white. Then, the parents, guided by their daughters, enthusiastically participated in the different workshops where they tried to win the game, without forgetting to go to the drink and chocolate pastry stands bought in the canteen.

At the end, we cannot forget Santa Claus, the star of the party, who suddenly appeared on a motorbike to greet the guests, who were delighted and amazed by this unexpected appearance.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)