“Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5), but strengthens us in times of trial
On the occasion of this Day we welcome the testimony of Sister Ramona, a nurse.

World Day of the Sick 2025: Encounter, Gift and Sharing
On February 11th, we celebrate the 33rd World Day of the Sick, a special moment of reflection and prayer for those who suffer and for those who dedicate themselves to their care. This year, in the context of the Jubilee 2025, the message of Pope Francis invites us to rediscover the value of hope, with three key words that resonate deeply in my life as a nurse, consecrated woman and Sister of Charity: encounter, gift and sharing.
The Healing Encounter
The Pope reminds us that even in sickness we can experience a transforming encounter with God. I have often seen, at the bedside or at times of frailty, people discover an unexpected inner strength. Suffering, for all its intensity, becomes an opportunity for a deeper encounter with the Lord.
As a nurse, every day I see how a smile, a word of comfort or a simple gesture of closeness can become concrete signs of God’s presence alongside those who suffer.
The Gift of Hope
Pope Francis emphasizes that hope is a gift, to be welcomed and cultivated.
In my experience with the sick, I have seen how hope is never an illusion, but a light that illuminates even the darkest of nights. Faith in the risen Christ assures us that nothing can separate us from the love of God.
This drives me to live my service with an open heart, remembering that every small gesture of love has eternal value.
Sharing that Transforms
The point that struck me most in the Pope’s message is the invitation to share. Places of suffering often become settings for great humanity, where those who are sick and those who care for them become enriched by one another.
How many times have I seen patients teach hope to their loved ones, doctors and nurses become living signs of charity, families discover an unsuspected strength in hardship! Each authentic encounter brings with it a reciprocal gift, and this network of love becomes a hymn to human dignity.
An Invitation to Closeness
On this World Day of the Sick, my hope is that all of us can rediscover the value of closeness.
As Sisters of Charity, I feel that our charism calls us to be signs of hope and concrete love for those who suffer.
The Pope encourages us not to forget the small gestures: a careful look, a caress, a kind word can be medicine for the soul.
We entrust to Mary, Health of the Sick, all those who suffer and those who assist them, so that each one may experience the tenderness of God on their journey of fragility and hope.
Sister Ramona Privitelli