The first episode of UbiCasT, the monthly podcast of the Sisters of Charity, has as guest Sister Paola Giolo, who is in Lampedusa with two other religious sisters.

The three sisters, from different congregations, are on the island for the International Union of Superiors General’s project Fare Ponte tra i lampedusani e i migranti” (Bridging Lampedusians and Migrants).

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At the Favarolo pier, the sisters assist forced migrants, who are escaping from their countries.

The presence of religious women who welcome them when they arrive ashore is – as sister Paola tells us – a reason for tranquility, light in the middle of the pain. Water, juice, dry clothing, a bench on which to rest are what the sisters offer to those who disembark.

From Sister Paola’s words we will hear about the situation on Lampedusa: the presence of a hotspot, the identification center, which is always overcrowded, the network with institutions and NGOs, the responsibility of being sentinels in a place where respect for the person must be safeguarded.

The next episode of the podcast, to be released on June 1, 2023, will feature Sister Elvira Tutolo as our guest. She is working in the Central African Republic, where she is involved in recovering child soldiers – whom she removes from recruitment by armed gangs – and street children.

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