My experience at the Sant’Antida school in Vercelli was a fundamental chapter in my life, characterized by indelible memories that I still carry with me today.
My family history is closely linked to this school, since it was first my older sister Matilde who began her educational journey there, then it was my turn and finally my brother Pietro. Even today, the bond with the Sant’Antida school remains strong, as my mom Anna works there.
Every year, starting from kindergarten, has been marked by moments and traditions that have made our school journey full of unforgettable experiences.

In addition to moments of reflection and functions on the occasion of holidays, among the events that I remember most fondly are the Sant’Antiadi, a true celebration of our school identity, which brought us all together in an atmosphere of festivity and community.
The chestnut festival in the fall, held at the Monastery of Santa Margherita in Vercelli, was also one of the most eagerly awaited moments of the year.
The Christmas tombola was another occasion for fun and conviviality that united teachers, parents and pupils in one big family.
The Christmas and end-of-year plays were also events prepared with great dedication and anticipation. The warmth and emotion of those moments remain among the most precious memories of my childhood.
Each occasion of this kind was an appointment that marked the rhythm of our school year and helped to forge our sense of belonging.
In addition to festive events and educational trips, the Sant’Antida school was the place where I received teachings that shaped my character and my view of the world.
The values of respect, solidarity, responsibility and community that were passed on to us with great dedication, are still today fundamental principles that guide my choices and my way of relating to others.
These memories, which I carry in my heart, will continue to inspire me throughout my life.
Filippo Gianella