«We have heard the voice of God…we have heard the voice of the spirit of our vocation…we have heard the voice of our neighbour who is all over the world, we have heard the voice of the poor who are members of Christ and our brothers ; in whatever country they are, they must be equally dear to us». (circular of Saint Jeanne-Antide of 28th December 1812)                         

Great ! The departure is given for a new crossing of the desert and the arrival in around forty days. A good traveller’s guide suggests to take light luggage, not to forget the Bible, to know how to stop from time to time, to take care of the persons encountered on the way, while sharing what one has…. At the end of this journey, which was sometimes difficult, some went to see a tomb which was empty, while others, tired and disappointed took a rest by the lake or went to eat in an inn near Emmaus. But as they listened and looked attentively, little by little, they recognized a Face, a Voice which was familiar to them: “It’s me, do not be afraid… I am the Bread of Life…I am the Way…the Light…I am present in the Poor whom you help…Go ! to all the nations and make disciples,” and still even more words. The journey continued down the centuries. We continue together the Path towards Easter, with a heart that listens to the murmur of a light breeze like the prophet Elijah, like Mary Magdalene, like St. Jeanne-Antide…                                                                                                            

The members of the Administration Council and myself, tell you : « See you soon »  as we assure you our friendship. Marie-Ange Courbet

You will find below the detailed agenda of our meetings in 2018.

AGENDA 2018.

Saturday 18th March : General Assembly of the Friends of Savoie at La Roche sur Foron.

Saturday 24th March : General Assembly of the Friends of Besançon in Sancey.

After the morning prayer, we will hear the talks of the persons in charge of the « Boutique Jeanne-Antide » regarding the welcoming of unaccompanied young migrants, in Besançon

The General Assembly will be followed by the Eucharistic Celebration.

Sunday 29th April : an open air jumble sale at Trélissac.

Wednesday 30th May : welcoming of the Friends of Savoie in Besançon.

After Lunch at the Sisters’ Convent, Grande Rue 131, there is a visit in the afternoon, to the places where St. Jeanne-Antide lived in Besançon which will be by a Eucharistic Celebration in the sisters’ Chapel.

Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September: Jumble sale in Besançon/Saint-Ferjeux

From Tuesday 9th October till Saturday 13th October: Autumn week at Sancey.

Since the Guest House is occupied throughout summer by the groups of Sisters of Charity, we try to live our experience in Autumn while integrating our bi-annual day.    

Saturday 13th October : Bi-annual day at Sancey. Father Jean-François Baudoz, professor in Sacred Scripture, will help us deepen the text of the Gospel in Matthew 25 which we are tackling during this year in the work sheets sent by the steering group of Rome.