AJA Lay Friends
Let us pray for Pope Francis
The whole Charismatic Family of St. Jeanne Antida - sisters [...]
A worldwide network for the environment, promoted by the Sisters of Charity
Through their many presences in different geographic areas of [...]
Italy – Messignadi: Advent and Christmas in the name of solidarity
Italy - Messignadi: Advent and Christmas in the name [...]
AJA Brazil: Celebration of Jeanne Antide’s birthday
Jussara - Brazil: Celebrating the birthday of St. Jeanne [...]
Serving with joy
Greetings to all the friends of St. Jeanne Antide [...]
16th January: First International Meeting Online Jeanne Antide’s Friends 2021
Dearest Representatives of the Groups, strongly hearing the appeal of [...]
September 2020 – Charismatic Families: a new YouTube channel
Charismatic Families in Dialogue a new YouTube channel The Association [...]
May 23, 2020 AJA Promoter Group Video Conference
Video Conference Group Promotor Aja The afternoon of the [...]
The Pope to popular movements: solidarity, hope, sense of community
People, life and dignity at the centre Again, [...]