Season of Creation 2023: we met in presence in Rome on June 24, to review together the year just past and plan the main activities for the year 2023-2024.

The Superior General, Mother Maria Rosa, accompanied the beginning of our meeting by reminding us that the 2021 General Chapter indicated that “a true ecological conversion is necessary in all dimensions of our life” and encouraged us to collaborate so that the whole Congregation “rereads our charism, vows, community and apostolic life in the light of Integral Ecology and undertakes actions, in a network with others, for the care of our Common Home”.

With this spirit we then started working and with this confident look into the future, we would now like to highlight the following points:

For the Season of Creation 2023 (1 September-4 October 2023) we thought about proposing a few common initiatives to the whole Congregation, also taking into consideration the requests received from the National Representatives whom we have been meeting monthly for quite some time now. Precisely:

  1. reciting the attached Morning and Evening prayer intentions in your communities during the Season of Creation (SoC); (click here to download the file)
  2. proposing a Laudato Si’ Mass during the SoC – possibly outdoors, in the midst of Creation, including a prayer for Creation and a short quotation from the Laudato Si’ Encyclical;
  3. in all your SdC communities, commit both individually and communally to reducing plastic consumption and try to quantify the results;

We are confident that we can count on the active involvement of all your communities!

“Our mother earth cries out … the poor suffer most” and we are all called to respond to this call!”

Laudato Si’!

Sister Mirta Paredes

General Counsellor