The Sisters of Charity from yesterday till today
The political and the historical circumstances during the time of Jeanne-Antide brought about a separation within the Congregation with a Superior General in Rome and another one in Besançon. However nobody truly relinquished this separation. Since the death of Jeanne-Antide, the contacts between Rome and Besançon were never lacking as well as suggestions to unite afresh the two branches. A long journey however was necessary down the years in order to arrive to an official unity.
It was at the beginning of the 20thcentury that the Sisters of Charity left Europe towards other continents in order to answer the calls of the Church (especially during the Vatican Council II) or when challenged by the political and social events, in France, when the laws prohibited the religious to teach … the immigrants’ calls … in Latin America … the situations of the christian minorities … in Pakistan … in Indonesia … in Sudan … in India … in Vietnam …
With the passing of time, according to the calls of the mission and territorial establishments, according to the numerical development within the Congregation, the initial formation needs and to intensify the missionary dynamism and the unity of the body congregation in the cultural diversity, the structures and the territorial restructuring developed : the pooling of communities, Provinces and progressive responsibilities left to new realities … at the service of life.
After the canonisation of Jeanne-Antide, in 1934, other sisters of the Congregation have been officially acknowledged by the Church as witnesses of God’s charity.
The quality of their life and their service become examples for all the christians and lead us on the path of holiness.
Sister Agostina who was a nurse in Rome, Sister Nemesia an educator in Tortona and Borgaro in Turin, and Sister Enrichetta at the service of the prisoners in Milan.
These three visages and figures complement and represent the traditional services of charity to which the sisters of Charity are called since the beginning of the Congregation.

St. Agostina patron saint of nurses in Italy

Blessed Nemesia Valle, guide and spiritual director

Blessed Enrichetta Alfieri, the mother of “Saint Victor”
Foundation in Savoia, a Thonon
Foundation in Italy, Naples
Sr Victoire Batholemot is appointed to represent Jeanne-Antide in Savoie. It’s the beginning of the Province of Savoie
Sr. Genevieve Boucon is appointed Superior General (end of 1856)
In Besançon, Sr. Catherine Barrois (1822-1827) is the Superior general
Sr. Geneviève Boucon (1826-1856)
Sr Catherine Chambrot (1856-1880)
Sr. M. Thérèse Vignet (1880-1885)
Sr. M. Joseph Boquin (1885-1893)
Sr. Irène Buzio (1893-1895)
Sr. Leontine Vandel (1895-1899)
Sr. Hildegarde Zmiglio (1900-1915)
Constitution of the Province of Turin
Constitution of the Province of Malta
In July, visit to Besançon of Mother Anne Lapierre, then Superior general in Rome (1916-1936)
On the 11December, Mother M. Anna Groffe, then Superior general in Besançon (1902-1930) asks officially for the union with Italy.
- Canonisation of Saint Jeanne-Antide
- Foundation in Laos
2 November, opposition of French government to the Decree of Pius XI concerning the union.
Constitution of the Province of Brescia
Sr Charles Loigeret relaunches the Union
In August, in Besançon and in Sancey, she meets the Superior of Besançon to prepare the Union.
Sr. Maria Candida Torchio becomes Superior general (1965-1969)
Celebration of the General chapter : Sr. Maria Carla Aletti is elected Superior General (1980-1990)
Celebration of the General chapter : Sr. Marie Antoine Henriot is elected Superior general (1990-2000)
Foundation in Bolivia
Foundation in India
18 april: Canonisation of Sr. Agostina Pietrantoni
Celebration du General chapter : Sr. Maria Luisa Colombo is elected Superior general (2000 - 2010)
Constitution of the Middle East Province
Foundation in Thailand
Constitution of the North Italy Province (ex. Provinces Turin - Brescia - Vercelli)
25 April : Sr. Nemesia Valle is proclaimed Blessed by Pope John Paul II
Celebration of the 17th General Chapter
The Province of Naples becomes South Italy Province
Constitution of the Central African Province
Constitution of Eastern-Europe Region (Romania - Albania - Moldavia)
Constitution of the Pakistan region
Constitution of the Latin American Province ( Argentine - Paraguay - Bolivia - Brazil)
Constitution of the South East Asian Province (Laos - Vietnam - Thailand)