25 July #JournéedesGrandsparentsetdesPersonnesÂgées

Sr Afaf – From Egypt

My life and faith experience: Following the example of my patron saint, since the day of my baptism, Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, I keep this motto in my heart and I always repeat it: “All is grace!

Yes, everything is grace! This grace is at the very heart of our problems. God said to Paul: “My grace is sufficient for you.

Saint Jeanne Antide says: “God’s grace is enough for us.”

“It is in God Alone that I have put all my trust.”

These thoughts and quotes have sustained me throughout my experience as a Sister of Charity, some forty years, wherever the Lord has sent me through my superiors in my country or elsewhere, in the different missions and responsibilities.” You are the strong God, it is on You Alone that I rely.”

*I can share a word from my dad who taught us, through his life and words, to pray especially the rosary, on our knees, the perseverance to go to Mass and to fulfill our spiritual and temporal duty. Always cling to God, even when everything seems hopeless.

*The dream that has animated me since the beginning of my religious life and until now is :

To want to love God with all my heart and to serve my neighbor, to be God’s forever. To want what He wills and to live only for Him.

May the Master of the harvest send workers to his harvest…

*A word that I would like to address to the young people: Fidelity to prayer, this time of grace during which the Lord renews his call and we draw our strength from Jesus, from His Word and the Eucharist.

A word that I would like to address to the elderly: Thank you because when I see you, I glorify God. Your prayer is a very precious resource, your wisdom helps us to see things clearly and your life will remain for us a living example.

“The elderly are “the roots of our humanity”.

“Your vulnerability makes your song more precious” (Pope Francis)

And I, with my sisterly pen in all humility, describe this journey of love and gratuity of two sisters who have marked me:

Marie-Noëlle, my Novitiate formator:

Beauty of soul, love, Impressive qualities. She lives simply and joyfully.

She has the heart of a child who knows how to admire, an open woman, a soul of peace, attentive to the needs of her brothers.

Full of zeal, to teach us the essential.

For her, to love is to “appreciate each person and respect their freedom”.


Letizia Coreschi

A Maltese sister, who spent about thirty years as a missionary in Egypt.

She led a fulfilling life, always smiling, simple and kind. Her life shows us that love is stronger than hate and violence.  She is a living gospel, an extension of the mission of Christ. As a nurse, like the Good Samaritan, she gives herself without calculating her fatigue.