For the Nativity Mosaic 2023, which we are pleased to show you, we sincerely thank everyone who participated.

Italy – Temoli, creative competition, parish preschool “Nicola Maria Campolieti”.

Italy – Milan, Dezza Hospital.

France – Assomption Bordeaux school, Seine-Saint-Denis community.

Paraguay – community of Porto Triunfo.

Egypt – nativity scene of the city of Alexandria.

Italy – Terracina, nativity scene of the Sisters of Charity in the “Gregorio Antonelli Foundation”.

Malta – community of Tarxien.

Italy – Lecco, Mandello del Lario, “S. Giovanna Antida” school.

Crèche dans le jardin.

Italy – Milan, Cinisiello, AJA.

Italy – Reggio Calabria, “St. Vincent de Paul” Community.

Italy – Urbino, “Santa Felicita” pension.

Italy – Rome, student center “S. Giovanna Antida”. Nativity scene on the ground floor.

Nativity scene inside the TV room.

Italy – Terracina, AJA Family

Italy – Ravenna, community of Elderly Sisters of Cervia.

Small crib in the infirmary built by a nurse for the infirm sisters.

Egypt – Alexandria, “Sainte Jeanne-Antide” Institute.

Italy – Arpino, AJA community, children’s nativity scene.

Italy – Rome, parish “Santa Giovanna Antida”.

Chad – Balimba.

Italy – Milan, Cinisello, AJA Friends.

Italy – Rome, “Centro Pedro Arrupe” for refugee families, Centro Astalli.

Italy – Reggio Calabria, S. Ferdinando, Citadel of Charity.

Dear participants,

with joy and gratitude, we wish to express our sincere thanks to all of you who shared with us the beauty of your nativity scenes on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the first living nativity scene in Greccio.

Your creations were a unique testimony of faith, hope and love, which enriched and enlightened our Christmas spirit.

Every detail, every small representation, has helped to weave a larger story that binds us all in celebration of this ancient tradition.

Your commitment to share your nativity scenes with us, whether they are in your homes, schools, hospitals, communities and many other special places, has made possible the creation of an extraordinary virtual gallery, a digital mosaic reflecting the diversity and richness of this tradition.

Special thanks go to those who shared not only the images of their nativity scenes, but also the context, stories and emotions surrounding them.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this celebration possible with your generous and creative participation.

Merry Christmas!

Nativity scene set up at General House, Rome – SPACE INSIDE

Nativity scene set up at General House, Rome – SPACE OUTSIDE