We gladly publish Sister Thressia’s testimony from India.

“Good morning everyone! I am Sister Thressia and I am writing to you from India, this huge country of more than a billion people, where we Sisters of Charity have 5 communities in different states: Kerala, TamilNadu, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh.

I am happy to participate in the Laudato Si Project and to be able to collaborate as much as possible in taking care of our mother earth.

Concretely, we have started a small Laudato Si Group in each of the parishes in Kerala and Tamil Nadu of which women and youth are members. We have organized awareness programs on gardening and landscaping, reducing the use of plastic, using solar energy, and reusing rainwater.

We are moving at the local level, since we cannot have a Coordination at the national level: we would face the difficulty of being considered a group that proselytizes religion. Which the current government does not like. But, as far as we can, we do our best for the care of creation.”