Integral Ecology
Integral Ecology – Online Training of Contact Persons and National Teams
The "Time of Creation" (ToC) has officially begun, and [...]
We say “Present” to the Season of Creation
The "Season of Creation 2023" (SoC), the ecumenical celebration held [...]
From the Central Team of the International Laboratory of Integral Ecology (LIEI)
Season of Creation 2023: we met in presence in [...]
Planet Earth – ‘It’s not bad weather, but climate change’
100 Italian scientists signed an appeal today: 'Let us speak [...]
Africa – The initiatives of the Laudato Si’ Week
Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt; Ngaoundal, Cameroon; Kinshasa, Congo. [...]
Europe – The initiatives of the Laudato Si’ Week
Timișoara, Romania; San Sebastian, Spain; Rome and Assisi, Italy; [...]
Laudato Si’ Week – “Collaborating to care for our Common Home with competence and creativity.”
Sunday, May 21, Laudato Si' Week began today. Pope [...]
Laudato Si’ Week, May 21 – 28, 2023
LAUDATO SI' WEEK began in 2016 to celebrate the [...]
Laudato Si’ Week 2023 – The initiatives of the Sisters of Charity
Laudato Si' Week. "Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity." [...]