On Wednesday, 20 March 2024, the Second OIEC World Youth Council was held. The acronym OIEC stands for the International Office of Catholic Education.
The OIEC is an international Catholic organisation recognised by the Holy See.
It has consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

A year ago, a World Youth Council was established in response to the desire of Hervé Lecomte – Secretary General of OIEC – to mobilise young people and make their wishes and plans heard.
Sister Mirna F., who had already participated in several OIEC congresses, was asked to join the central leadership group. Thus began an adventure that is still in its infancy, but already has an air of youthful militancy for a more humane world.
The second World Council brought together more than 30 young people from all over the world. At this meeting, the young people, divided into four groups according to the chosen theme, were able to give an oral presentation on the progress of their work. It was an interesting meeting, which paved the way for the next steps and demonstrated the commitment and quality of the work of the facilitators.